About me,,,
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009
sejarah jaringan komputer di indonesia
• Pada tahun 1970 ,lebih dari 10 komputer berhasil dihubungkan dan membentuk sebuah jaringan.
• Pada tahun 1984 di perkenalkan system dengan nama domain yang lebih dikenal dengan Domain Name Server ( DNS ) ,ini bertujuan agar dapat menyeragamkan alamat jaringan yang sudah .Dengan system DNS,computer yang tersambung jaringan dapat melebihi 1.000 komputer.Pada tahun 1987 diperkirakan computer yang tersambung kejaringan tersebut menjadi lebih dari 10.000 komputer.luar biasa bukan?10 kali lipat….
• Di tahun 1988,seorang kebangsaan Finlandia bernama Jarkko Oikarinen memperkenalkan Internet Relay Chat ( IRC ). Fasilitas ini memungkinkan pengguna computer dapat melakukan obrolan (chating) dengan cara mengirimkan saling mengirimkan pesan.Setahun kemudian,jumlah computer yang saling terhubung meningkat menjadi 10 kali lipat,100.000 komputer telah membentuk jaringan.
• Pada tahun 1990,merupakan tahun yang bersejarah.Ketika tim Berners Lee merancang sebuah program editor dan browser dapat digunakan untuk menjelajahi computer yang satu dengan yang lainya yang membentuk jaringan.Program inilah yang disebut www atau world wide web.
Jaringan IntraNet di kampus-kampus merupakan kunci awal perkembangan Internet di Indonesia. Sebelum ada sambungan ke internet sudah ada jaringan komputer di lingkungan terbatas yang dikenal sebagai Local Area Network (LAN) di sejumlah lembaga pendidikan dan lembaga pemerintah di Indonesia.
Pada era 1980 sampai menjelang pertengahan tahun 1990an, di kalangan pendidikan tinggi (universitas) dengan para stake holders yang terdiri dari para akademisi, mahasiswa, dan ilmuwan telah timbul inisiatif untuk mengembangkan berbagai kegiatan seputar teknologi computer dan radio yang semula hanya merupakan hobby, kegiatan amatir, maupun bagian dari proses pendidikan mereka di perguruan tinggi menjadi suatu media telekomunikasi yang akan memudahkan pertukaran data dan informasi, tidak hanya dalam lingkungan kampus/lembaga-nya saja, namun mereka pun telah memiliki imajinasi bahkan keinginan untuk mengembangkan suatu jaringan/network antar kampus dan bahkan antar negara.
Hal tersebut dimulai dengan berbagai penelitian di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan dan lembaga pemerintah dengan bidang kerja yang berhubungan dengan teknologi, telekomunikasi khususnya komputer dan networkingnya, ditambah dengan adanya transfer of technology dari sejumlah akademisi selepas studi ataupun penelitian mereka di luar negeri, dimana teknologi jaringan computer sudah mulai berkembang.
Rabu, 24 Desember 2008
Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
They Doesn't Use Their Heart
May I like that??
Run out of one heavens to other heaven, and possibly that is of all do not my own
Don't worry I will see to the fore pays, attention to my entire step without needing bowed below, like fear with everything that will happen in the next time
I hardly wait for it!!
I try my new life with trying to what which offered by heaven which I would visits later.
Would God show anything to me to be the slave which far better to understand what the actually…
Not for cadge but to try by my hand and my prayer!!
Would be better for me!!
Are you known??
Anything would be better if you understood what is the actually meaning your life for me now
From a driblet of water in my starving for runs barren desert
Hopefully you would soon realize it…
Before the dusts close over anything…
They not betray but doing what which entitled they to do
Will not be a long time these all happened
They only did what which they heart feels
But they indeed doesn't use their heart and their brain
Rabu, 26 November 2008
my cry and my smile
This feeling always exist
But I don’t know
I don’t like it
Felt so sickening
Because it make me not pleasant
And sometimes this thing masters me
Even possibly can make me feel the pressure
All which I tell you is a lie
I lie when I saw you not important to me
I lie when I saw I wish you is him
Knew you in reality?
I want you are here
Not for her
But for me
But you never understand
This heart is sick
I do not wish
The human that always I call the name
Becomes someone who is comprehending me
I only wish you
Believe me
Not this lip!!!
But this heart!!!
So understand me
I am not one person that easy to tell about this
My lip felt frozen if I must talking more
But look my eyes
I cry when I must leave you
I cry when you say the name besides me
And I smile if you understand what I mean
Selasa, 18 November 2008
Please always stand by me
Please always stand by me. I’m happy today. Because you’re with me and the world is still beautiful and worthy. I’ve been trying really hard not to think about you all the time. But it’s not working. Miss you…love you…!!!You don’t know what it’s like, baby… you don’t know what it’s like to love somebody…. To love somebody the way I love you.
It takes 3 words to say I love you…. 3 minutes to explain… 3 hours to demonstrate…. 3 days to appreciate... but it take a lifetime to prove it how I love you so much.
When I see you… you take 20% of my life
When you talk…. You take 50% of my heart
But when you smile… you take the whole part of my life… especially my heart
Meet you was fate… become your friend was choice… but falling in love with you was completely out of my control
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything… and two minus one equals nothing
Whenever you think of me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us, you are and always will be the love of my life and I will never love anyone as much again
I thank god everyday for letting me meet you and for you falling in love with me… I love you all that I am
The look in your eyes… the touch of your hands… the sounds of your voice… it’s all I need to brighten my day and bow the rainy clouds away
Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat… you are the one who holds the key to my heart
If I tell you that I love you, can I keep you forever…??!!
I wish I were a teddy bear.. sitting on your bed… then if you dreamt of someone else, I’d punch you in the head
You’re won my love, now I love you. This heart of mine I give to you. So keep it safe as I have done. For you have 2 and I have none
On this cold night, in my small room, I look at the bite stars in the dark sky and dream of your sweet smile on your cute face. Good night
I think I need to call heaven because they’ve lost one of their angels
Baby, did it hurt when you fell from heaven??!
Baby, you must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all night
I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal you heart
Can I have directions to your heart??!!
Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk past you again??!
If only I’d known that there was a man like you, I could have searched the ends of the earth. But now I have found you. I’ll never let you go
Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you. I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow and I’d be hugging you
Selasa, 11 November 2008
If I Have Perfect Friends

If I really becoming your friend…
If you would always devoted listens everything what I say…
I am not necessarily to suppose …
Because I have owned your as a friend!!
If I have a brother like you…
If we meeting every day …
I will not stand far from your
Because I am possible too fool to experience these all without helping from another person
If it all is not happened, I would to wake up soon from this nightmare
Because I will not strong to faces every day in my life
Till now I always have it!
Although sometimes you have never comprehends meaning of your presence in my life...
And you are known??
I am a friend and a sister who always I am requires you as a good listener…
Hopefully you will never tire to become “the man"!
And hopefully you would understand although maybe in fact you have never understood!!
Selasa, 04 November 2008
Help Me for Stand Up

There is a story that impossible another person likes to remember it...
Knew you???
Like what if we just can grope without have ever felt.....
Follows path that has been specified without have ever complained???
I also only a human that always did mistake and sin and not one from the matter I wish or I intentionally...
Are you understands???
Like what reside in middle thousands of toady angels which only wish to take off all wisdoms and kindness which during the time lives in my physic!!
Isn’t it true that a hypocrisy??
I only can follow the current without have ever can withdraw my self and secedes my self from these all...
Please for the last time don’t abuse what I have followed, like they...
Because I am sure you comprehend like what likely...
Because now I am being awake and crawls to stand up.